This was a VERY impulse buying kinda thing, but after the initial panic attacks and the what the hells?, we are at peace with it. (Well, Jim is and I am getting there...)
Jim and I had a FABULOUS time at the RV show and saw this puppy and just had to take it home.
Tis a thing of beauty. We REALLY wanted a permenant bed and a comfortable place to sit, neither of which we had in the little trailer. This guy has a sweet kitchen area, a slideout with a couch and a bed that is always made. The shower is nearly as big as ours at home and the salesdude threw in an electric tow crank. (Jim was practically swooning, he HATED the manual one, think money grinder...)
Anywho, we will be trying her out next weekend when we head to Corvallis for the next OSU (go beavs!) home game.
Oh, by the way, the trailer is a Keystone Cougar. I can't wait to hear what name Jim will christen it with. You know what I'm talking about!