Martin J Dog was not really a problem, he was disinterested really. He was never a "good" dog, just sorta lazy. I like that in a beast.
Then there was the tinsel eater, Walter. Man, nothing says Christmas like a dog with tinsel hanging outta his butt.
But my all time favorite Christmas Pooch story was Jessie. Please understand, I HATED that dog! (This random quote comes to mind... no clue why.)
"You stupid, worthless, no-good, Geedee free-loading son-of-a-b!tch. Retarded, big-mouth, know-it-all, a-hole jerk.
'You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful.'
Shut-up b!tch. Go fix me a turkey pot-pie."
(Quick, what movie...?)
Jessie "stalked" the tree. Crouched down low, head hung, eyes averted, he would circle the tree endlessly. He was so dim you could tell it was new to him at each turn. Duuuh!
Good times, good times.