I spend a great deal of time reading the paper and drinking several cups of coffee each and every morning. I admit I even get up far too early because I am too excited to sleep knowing the daily ritual awaits.
Sometimes I feel like it's wasted time, (it can easily take hours as I do the crossword too), but I also see it as a reward for years of having NO time to do anything in the morning but get my butt out of bed and care for children and then later high tailing it to an office job at the butt-crack of dawn.
I share this love of the newspaper with my Dad. He still gets up early and reads the local paper from cover to cover. We have had some great conversations about our passion for the lost art of a good morning paper. I pray there will never be a time that the printed word is replaced by the internet (((shudder))). It ain't the same! Yet we both HATE a messy paper, black smudged hands are a sign of a cheap print.
Our love of a good newspaper will always be something I remember my Dad and I having in common. We discuss topics, sports and random issues because of our daily fix.
My love of a good crossword is inherited from my mom. For years she did it every morning and I just assumed I could never master one. Yet, here I am, years later, doing one and sometimes two everyday. I often think of her when I do.
My love of comics is one I share with my daughter Sarah and my granddaughter Lauren. They don't get the paper everyday, but I make sure to pester them with the really giggle-inducing ones whenever I get the chance.
I really do love reading the newspaper and enjoying a few cups of Joe!
Still... I have a hard time enjoying it completely, always feeling a need to be productive. It's a dilemma.
I know what you're thinking...waaaaaaa!