Jimmy is down in the "workout room"/"music room"/ "ping pong room", (don't ask) practicing with his quartet. Their working title is "Bleacher Bums".
They will be performing at the newest HART, (Hillsboro Artist's Repertory Theatre) production. It's a play about Cubbie's fans sitting in the bleachers at a Cub's game and they will sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" at the 7th inning stretch. They are too cute for words.
Can you send me the dates to this so I know when to find a sitter! thanks! ;)
It hasn't been confirmed yet, but early to mid April looks most likely.
The dates are Saturday April 11, Friday April 17, Saturday April 18 and Sunday April 19.
Friday and Saturdays are at 7PM and Sunday is at 1PM.
I would love to see you guys there.
are out of towners welcome?
Good grief, YES!!!!!
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