Thursday, April 26, 2007


So we're sitting there watching "the Hopper" aka Haley, play softball yesterday. It was a good game with enough activity to keep us excited and rooting for the Liberty Falcons.
(Funny thought...rooting, is that right?, Is it really the same word as a pig diggin' in his little ol' sty?, Sorry, I digress)
Anywho, so there we were, sitting in the bleachers, and Jim comes up with a new "ism". He says B.I.T. For those who are not in the know, Jim throws these jewels out all the time. EVERYTHING is an acronym. In softball they can stand for any number of things. For instance, B.O.B., would be "beef on base", (when a fat chick is on base). Or H.O.D. "Hopper on deck". You get the idea. So he says B.I.T., I think for a moment and... of course... "Beef in 'tween". I scared myself, I tell you!
He was referring to the 450lb father of our Varsity pitcher whose younger daughter plays on JV. Both daughters were playing at the same time, so he positioned himself... right in the middle! Yes friends and neighbors, B.I.T. "Beef in 'tween". And yours trully got it! Ain't that a hoot?


Emily said...

B.O.B. is my favorite still though - thanks to me... "Beef on Bucket" - also referring to the huge monster of a man that positioned himself "tween" the games last night. he used to "coach" Haley's team - I don't know if you can honestly call it coaching though since all he did was sit on his bucket and yell calls to the girls - he never got up and when he did I was just waiting for a heart attack - I felt like I needed 911 on speed dial just incase.... how awful am I????

Susie Q said...

Oh my goodness, speed dial 911! Hysterical!
By the way, he looks BIGGER lately, don't ya think?
I must admit, I sometimes imagine them as a "couple", not on purpose of course, it simply can't be. (((Shudder)))

Sarah said...

Beef in 'tween. Love it. That is so a "Jimism". I like the way the throws the word "stinkin'" in the middle of words. For example: absostinkinlutely, or destinkinlicious, etc. It's a sickness really. I don't think he could stop if he wanted to and now it's also contagious, because Ashley does it too. :)

froelica said...

I just wanted to let you know that that make made snort out loud at work, then quietly try to cough to cover up the giggles. At work. It was a very serious moment too!

It was the Beef on Base.
I blame Jim.

froelica said...

"Blame it on the raaaain!!!"

Every now and then Milli Vanilli gets into my blood and, disgusted, I have to sing it out. Its very stress relieving.

Anyone else remember that song?