Sunday, August 5, 2007

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness...

And I quote,

"Burning Man is an annual experiment in temporary community dedicated to radical self-expression and radical self-reliance"


Preps are under way, drugs are being stowed, flamboyant costumes are hung and ready to pack. I mean, really,the excitement is palpable!
This year's Burning Man is set to begin soon. From August 29th through September 3rd, the desert outside Black Rock City is tranformed into, um, how can I put this?... A FREAKING FREAK SHOW!


Past themes have included Fertility; Time; Hell; Outer Space; The Body; The Floating World; Beyond Belief; the Vault of Heaven; Psyche; and Hope and Fear. The theme for 2007 is The Green Man.


Again I quote, (cause frankly I have no words)

"Burning Man must endure as a self-supporting enterprise that is capable of sustaining the lives of those who dedicate themselves to its work. From this devotion spring those duties that we owe to
one another. We will always burn the Man."

They burn the "Man" the night before Labor Day, so if you haven't purchased your tickets, well you better get on it.



froelica said...

Good grief, I remember when there was much talk in the James-Friends Clan of attending... Needless to say I would not have been accompanying.

They'd probably be too chicken-shit to go anyways.

Mac said...

What the crap?

Susie Q said...

Yes, what the crap indeed!

Sarah said...

Hey, can someone pass me that joint over there? I'm not high enough to understand this one.

kara said...
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kara said...
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kara said...

Ok, last try...copy and paste this bad boy: