Does she look a tad familiar? Well she outta! That's Danica something or as you may know her, little Winnie from The Wonder Years! Isn't she adorable?
Okay, she is smokin', but the fun thing here is, she's standing on the red carpet to promote her BOOK. (Are you listening Paris and Lindsay, the chick wrote a book...you know the squarish thing you step on to reach your stash...) And get this... it's called "Math Doesn't Suck". It's to encourage young women to think beyond stereotypes and "get" into math.
Lindsay and Paris (and any other ho-bag, druggy, losers getting all the press) snort your dope, drink your 12th drink, barf your way to thin, whatever pathetic thing you're doing at present to "party", and we will look, cause you are the train wrecks we can't help but gawk at, but you know folks? What does that say about us? There's no real press for anything good anymore, and frankly we don't really care to follow it even if there was.
Damm, now I'm depressed... Maybe I'll click on "The Girls Next Door", the nifty reality show about Heff's (that would be Hugh) 3, (THREE) girls living with him in the Playboy Mansion.
Oh Lord, we are doomed...
Wow. Winnie grew up.
And by the way, math does too suck.
seriously - what is wrong with us.... we all can't help but want to know more about these tragic girls in hollywood - it's sad...
I agree with Mac.
Um...Paris wrote a book! It was called How to be an Heiress or something. I guess it's telling people how to make sure you're born into the right family. I.'m interested to see how it ends, actually
Oh my stars, you're right she did "write" a book. Pearls of wisdom, I'm certain!
I'm with Dad, math sucks ass.
Winnie Cooper is a hottie and smart too? Jerk.
But to respond to the actual point of the post, you're totally right. It's sad to think of how many hours a day some people devote to reading the "news" about celebrities. They're just people! Open your freakin' front door and meet your neighbors! They're probably more interesting than Paris Hilton anyway!
Take my neighbor for instance. His name is Burt and he fell off his roof and broke his back. Now he can hardly walk.
Now that's interesting.
Yeah, and I have a neighbor who doesn't actually LIVE in her house. She travels for work and comes home for a few minutes a month. She's also a huge biotch.
You should tell her I'll take her empty house and just vacate it for the 5 minutes she's home every month.
She gets a "home" to come "home" to, I get a free house. Win-win.
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