Two cleaning women, trapped inside a broken elevator for two days, survived on two cough drops and six aspirin until they were rescued.
Beata Bartoszewicz and her mother, Roma Borowski, entered an elevator in an empty building in this Chicago suburb on December 22. After the elevator doors closed, the women discovered they were stuck on the first floor of the two-story building.
There was no response from an emergency call alarm and the women couldn't pry open the doors, Bartoszewicz said.
Neither had a cell phone or water and the building wasn't due to open until after Christmas.
The duo became dizzy from hunger. "I was close to thinking I was going to die," Bartoszewicz said.
The women tried to sleep on their coats and used a corner of the elevator as a bathroom.
Bartoszewicz said her mother continually reassured her.
"She kept saying, `We're going to be OK, and we're going to spend Christmas Eve at home,"' the 25-year-old said.
Two days later, on Christmas Eve, an employee of the building happened to go to work. Borowski said she heard him talking on his cell phone. The women yelled for his attention and he heard them.
Fire crews freed the women an hour later.
Beata Bartoszewicz and her mother, Roma Borowski, entered an elevator in an empty building in this Chicago suburb on December 22. After the elevator doors closed, the women discovered they were stuck on the first floor of the two-story building.
There was no response from an emergency call alarm and the women couldn't pry open the doors, Bartoszewicz said.
Neither had a cell phone or water and the building wasn't due to open until after Christmas.
The duo became dizzy from hunger. "I was close to thinking I was going to die," Bartoszewicz said.
The women tried to sleep on their coats and used a corner of the elevator as a bathroom.
Bartoszewicz said her mother continually reassured her.
"She kept saying, `We're going to be OK, and we're going to spend Christmas Eve at home,"' the 25-year-old said.
Two days later, on Christmas Eve, an employee of the building happened to go to work. Borowski said she heard him talking on his cell phone. The women yelled for his attention and he heard them.
Fire crews freed the women an hour later.
Like good Boy/Girl Scouts, they should have had a cell phone, water, food for 2-3 days, camp stove and some books and oh yeah, bandaids, when entering an elevator.
What stupid women.
Holy crap that would be so scary!!! I'm glad they got out safely - but they will probably never enter an elevator again!!! Stairs for life!
That would blow. Though not as much as going to work on Christmas Eve. Wait.
Strike that. Reverse it.
They used a corner of the elevator as a bathroom.
That's what really struck my attention.
Ashley, you think like moi.
I'm still wondering why they'd eat aspirin. I don't think that would really help them out much. Aspirin on an empty stomach? Not any better than hunger I imagine. Besides, 2 days isn't long enough to "think you're going to die".
But pooping in an elevator would really suck. Not peeing, I do that all the time.
im terrified of elevators already.. thanks mom.
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