Tuesday, June 12, 2007

See Spot run. Run Spot run. Spot! Stop humping the cat!

Remedial reading you ask?
What does that have to do with the price of beans? What is she talkin' 'bout?
Well I'll tell ya. I just got caught reading a LARGE PRINT book, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout sucka. (Good grief, no more gangsta talk, I promise)
The other day Jon picked up the book I'm reading, and right there on the spine, in humungus print, it says LARGE PRINT. Jon just sorta gives me a look. Something between a, "Oh God this is funny" and "Oh God, you poor thing." Twas not a nice look.
So the secret is out. Susie Q reads LARGE PRINT books now. My mom did too, so there. But seriously folks, it's been a while since I'd really gotten into a book and I was thinking, what's up with that? I love reading. I read the paper and do a Bible study every morning, do the crossword everday, and read the awesome blogs of my friends and family. Yet it had been far too long since I'd immersed myself in a good book and it was kinda sad.
Then, Jim and I went to the new Hillsboro Library in Dawson Creek. First may I say, if you haven't gone, by all means get your sorry a$$e$ there pronto, 'tis a thing a beauty! Anywho, I'm strolling along, just loving the whole experience, books everywhere, it's magical. Hunted down Papa's books, (I love doing that, and yes, "Elsa" is there, but not "Diesel Death", he promises to rectify that soon), and I stumble upon "The Difference Between You and Me" by Kathleen DeMarco. I cracked it open to read a few lines of dialogue, THE most telling part of a book and the best way to decide if it's a keeper, and realized the print was massive, AND I could READ it!
Now I'm not saying I can't read smaller print, but it gives me a headache. Reading glasses just make me a tiny bit sick and don't really help that much. It's not a matter of focus really, oh I don't know. But since then, I've read several books and I'm as happy as a clam. (Such an odd saying, what makes a clam happy? But, I digress...)
So make fun of me all you want, (and you know you will) I am back reading novels again and I'm just tickled pink.


Amy said...

I love it. I'm a sucker for a good library full of books. Something about it just makes me happy. And while you make get looks for checking out books in large print, I get looks for the quantity of books I checkout. A couple of months ago I left the library looking like Gus and his corn (from Cinderella). The lady asked if I needed help out. I'm not joking, I probably had over a dozen books.

And come to think of it one of those books was in large print. What do I care? It's the story that matters not the font.

Geez, now I want to go to the library. How much of a nerd am I for wanting to ditch work for the library of all places?

I think Sue looks quite cool in comparison to me right now. Large print be damned.

Mac said...

Large print readers are like Old Guys. We rule.
Heh heh heh.

froelica said...

I won't make fun of you!

I'd make more fun of you if you DIDN'T READ AT ALL!!

More fun.... Hmmm... My brain sees those two words together and goes, "No, it's funner! It's FUNNER!!" and then I tell my brain to shut up and say, "Not in THIS context it isn't, stupid!".

And then I cry because we used to be such good friends :(

Emily said...

tee hee - large print! :) I can only giggle because soon enough I too will be reading large print - I do come from your blood....

I plan on going to the library possibly tomorrow or Thursday - I need a book for Whidbey...

Sarah said...

Funny how we were JUST talking about this.
I am going to the library tomorrow to get me some reading material for the Whidbey. I probably won't crack open a single book the entire week, but it sounds good.
PS Amy has been known to go into Barnes and Noble and pick out just books with PINK covers. That was the criteria. Hahaha! No wonder we all fell in love with the Shopaholic!

Susie Q said...

Pink covers only... (((snort)))Random! I adore the Shopaholic books!
We did the same odd, yet interesting 99 cent specials when Jim and I owned a video store, "For Your Eyes Only" All movies with blood on the cover, with a dog on the cover, with pickup trucks, etc. It was sooo fun. Our friend Jerry would then illustrate the specials, often borderline crude. (((tee, hee)))

Susie Q said...

Yeah, the specials. Like the Jewxicoon!

kara said...

You rock on with your large print. Just don't get any Dickens. Combine the extra number of pages that large print requires and the crapload of adjectives thrown in to describe each and every noun he writes...it will be the size of four phone books. Leather bound. And impossible to take on the bus. Or a plane. You'd have to check it. And then where would you be. Looking at the Sky Mall...that's where.