The Oregonian is hosting a travel photo contest and I, being the AWESOME wife that I am, have entered some of Jim's photos.
The grand prize... Meh-hee-coo. Of course if we win, there will be flying involved, but we can just off that bridge when we get to it. (See Ashley's Flying Phobia Blog...)
Here are the entries:
The first two are from the ship used in Master and Commander docked in San Diego. The next is the "chiluns" sitting pretty in front of the Catamaran Resort in San Diego. These 3 are entered under "Making Waves", water themed pictures outside the Pacific Northwest.

Thank you Stee.
Nice job. Or should I say...
"Gracious Seniorita, nice-a job-a"?
love it! im wearing those flip flops right now!
i need to send in some of pictures too.
lovin you!!
Hopper, I have some picked out for you in case you don't have time. Yours are better BY FAR!
In fact, Dad wasn't sure, did you take the flip flop one?
Oh, Mexico... Maybe I should enter too. Cause God knows Florida isn't enough....
Tee, hee, Froelica! I already submitted some for you and James! Hope you don't mind. I'm sneaky that way!
I showed James the shots I dropped off for you and he loved them. They were: the Cathedral in Edinburgh, the Prayer candles in Notre Dame and the Night-time Street scene from your hotel in Paris. Bonne Nuit
That is so awesome Mom!! You are such a good wife! I hope you win!
Haley you should definetly send something in - if you or dad win you should take me along in your suit case - I will be much smaller by then... :)
Yeah! I'm going to look into it too. I might have a good one or two. And Mexico...oh Mexico. Corona in one hand, burrito in the other. Wait, that doesn't actually sound great. Change it to a tamale. No, a fish taco. Yes, there. I'm happy.
Hell I'd just be happy with a Corona in my hand and sun beating down on my face... I don't even need the food - honestly the food scares me - I don't really want to spending my vacation in the bathroom.... too bad I have NO good pictures to send in.... I do have a cute video of my girls and Morgen in the tub though - that might win something.... like the most adorable nakedness at one time! :)
Em, you have nothing from Sande Castle? No pics? It can be any vacation spot in the Pacific Northwest. After January 2006. Come on, I know you got something! Clearly some of the cutest kids.
Sarah, you must! Heck, Lauren is, like, the most photogenic and Hayden, could he be more adorable? Don't get me started on Kate...
The forms and instructions are online at
I'll take a peak and see what we might have - sadly I don't know that there are many good ones.... I will look though.
Oh and I completely agree with you on my kids and Sarahs.... we win on cutest kids ever! :)
Sue- Yay! I wanna win.
Emily- Won't eat the food???? Are you INSANE?!!??!?!? It's so good! I mean, muy bueno.
Plus, everyone knows that I am the cutest kid ever. Duh.
Ashley - you are the cutest "kid" I know in their 20s - that is true...
I don't drink the water or eat food where I don't know enough about it... I'm too nervous to spend my vacation in the bathroom the whole time.... you know what I mean?
Emily- Thanks!!! But have you ever seen those "Dirty Dining" things on the news... The questionable restaurants are closer than you think....
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