I admit, it is my own doing. I medicated Jim into a coma. In my defense, he was useless anyway, the allergies had turned him into a snotty, red eyed, cranky pain in the butt. I am a horrible person with zero compassion, I know that's what you're thinking! But you know the real Jim, funny, kind, cute. Not the "Allergy Jim", oh no, this is a different beast all together.
He had taken, not one, not two, but three alegras yesterday, utterly useless! He drove a million miles, (from around 9 am until after 5pm, from King City to Astoria to Clakskanie and back...) and I was worried he'd crash into a tree or "sumpin"! Seriously!
So when we got home from church last night, I insisted he try a benadril or two. He took two. He fell asleep at 10pm, and I had to wake him at 9:30 this morning!
But the crap worked! He was, albeit fuzzy, a nice guy again! So I gave him two more this morning! Thank God he doesn't HAVE to work today, cause it's out of the question! He just woke up again (it's 1pm) and walked by, his hair sticking straight up, groggy, but JIM! He looked at me and muttered,"Don't squeeze the Charmin" and just kept walking. I laughed for 5 minutes!
Do you work for a pharmacutecal company? You do, don't you. I KNEW IT! Tricksy, you are.
Congrats - you have him back! Damn allergies - cross my fingers and hope to die - I haven't really been overly affected this year - we'll see as it gets further into the season - but so far a little itchy a little sneezy a little wheezy - but nothing like dad - he tops them all!!!
Don't squeeze the Charmin...priceless. And so dad.
I drugged up Hayden tonight. He was standing in the hallway crying (fake crying) and I just couldn't stand the sight of him... and you think you're heartless.
HA HA Sarah! Your comment is cracking me up...oh the things we do as parents....or wives! :)
Don't squeeze the Charmin. That made me laugh heartily.
That reminds me of something James did in his sleep the other day, I just happened to be awake for the 15 seconds he was doing it. Makes me wonder what he does in his sleep while I'M sleeping...
He looked like he was making some kind of deal with somebody or explaining something to them. He did this weird hands-moving, explaining yourself motion for a good 10 seconds, concluding with a sincere two tumbs up motion :)
You'll have to remind me to show you all what it was cause it was so freaking funny. All must know of its glory.
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