Last night she purchased her very own amazing camera, cashing in her pay checks

It was an emotional moment for all of us! I kept thinking, "I must remember this moment in time, it is important".
The wildflowers were shot in Seattle at the Olympic Park and the tootsies belong to Charlotte. (I have trouble not biting them... wiggling my fingers ala the "Shlee of A" or Ashley for those not quite in the loop of Mac-weirdness)
Haley has had the dream of becoming a professional photographer for some time now and the family can attest to the fact that she has "the eye". Jim and Sarah have it too, but Haley is the first to really feel compelled to pursue the gift beyond everyday picture taking.

I always thought Sarah might, heck she still might, she certainly has what it takes. I can only say thank you to her and Jim for setting the bar so high, Haley is reaping the benefits.
I'm a mighty proud mama. I have the BEST children in the world!
Sarah is the most beautiful prego, (don't you think?) and we all know she and Josh produce GORGEOUS children, in addition she is easily one of the funniest persons I know.
Emily is THE most caring, sensitive being I've had the privledge to have in my life, she and Jon make some mighty fine kids themselves, (Molly said "Hi Sue-Sue, I love you!" to me on the phone this very morning. I know, I know... brilliant child! (Em also has the most stunning hair, I'm only a tiny bit jealous, grrrrr!)
James is the most talented drummer/musician in the world. There I said it and I mean it! ((((Pbbbbllllll)))) He is also one of the kindest souls I've ever met. I also adore his "gal" Ashley.
So you see, life is good. Did I happen to mention how much I love my hubby Jim? Yep, that's me, blessed beyond measure. (((AAAhhhhh...)))
Wow Mom, I love you too! You are the best mom I could have asked for. Not only are you my mommy, but one of my best friends. I only wish we could spend MORE time together. I know, I know, we see eachother all the time. I wouldn't really mind just living on that compound like we've talked about in the past though... :)
You all are very lucky to have one, feel blessed that your mom is bragging about you so very much.....I miss that with my mom! It is special to hear when you mean that much to a parent. :) Love you guys. need to pop out and buy yourself a powerball ticket to see how far this blessedness can stretch!
I got mentioned twice! BaaZIIIIINNNNG!
You made me cry - I love you! Nuff said! :)
hi mommy. i love you.
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