Saturday, July 28, 2007

I may not understand it, but I LOVE this show!

John From Cinncinnati, HBO series

Jim and I have just finished the seventh episode of this new series on HBO and we are completely hooked! James has watched several as well and he's as confused and intrigued as we are.

I introduce you to John, (definately NOT from Cincinnati) Butchie, the druggie ex-pro-surfer, his mother, Cissy, the foulest-mouthed, messed up gal, positively tweaking with rage, the head of the family, Mitch, another ex-pro-surfer, (you guessed it, lots of surfing...yeah baby!) and their grandson and Butchie's son, Shaun, quiet and sweet, he's an up and coming, just about to be signed, surfer. That's the main cast, but as with any really good show on TV nowadays, it's the secondary cast that keeps it interesting. Here they are... (some very familiar faces huh?)

Anywho, I'm so sick of trying to format this post, the damn pictures keep disappearing and shifting.
Mmmm, it is a weird show, perhaps even the post should be. Just a thought...


Mac said...

Yeah. This show is a what-the-crap-just happened show.
Some of the strangest dialog wording too. Such as "are you dumping out?"
But much more. Can't wait for the next episode.
Give it a shot. You'll be intrigued as we are.

Sarah said...

Looks like something I will have to netflix when it's out on dvd sometime next year... no cable sucks.

Amy said...

No cable does suck. But I can never seeing myself pay extra for HBO on top of a cable bill. Especially when there are excellent people in the world to screen the shows for you so you can Netflix them when they inevitably come out on DVD.

Sue and Jim, I thank you.

froelica said...

Hey complainers-

I have about 2 1/2 channels. Bite me.
Actually its kinda nice this way. Movies are better than tv anyways.

kara said...

This show swiped 2/3 of its cast from Deadwood (which I love). I've watched it a bit, but that episode with the whole "in Cass's camera" part just made me want to throw my cat at the TV.